Pebbles of Light

008 How to Focus on the Light During Times of Weariness

Episode Summary

EPISODE GUIDE Doctrine & Covenants 64:33-34 states, “Be not weary in well-doing, for you are laying the foundation of a great work.” But what happens if you are weary? What happens if you are exhausted, burned out, over-stretched, and just need a break? This week, Anne shares some tips about overcoming (and allowing) those feelings of weariness. PEBBLE OF THE WEEK: Choose one of these 3 tools to help with feelings of weariness to try this week. 1. Reflect on previous successes and strive to keep moving forward in the little things that help you deal with the big things. 2. Take time to “Just Be Held” Take time for stillness. I have some tools for this. A book that I love and recommend is “The Power of Stillness.” I’ll link it in the show notes. Also, there is a BRAND NEW app from the fabulous group at The Small Seed. Search the App Store or Google Play for “Small Seed Still.” If you are unfamiliar with The Small Seed, you should seek them out on social media or on their website! 3. Seek professional help if you are having a hard time getting out of a tough spot. I’ve seen a therapist a few times in my life and those visits and the help received have been instrumental in keeping me on the right path in life. If seeing someone in person is tricky for one reason or another, reach out to the sponsor of this episode, Betterhelp. You can get 10% off your first month by going to the website That's / p-e-b-b-l-e-s. Be sure to check the full show notes for additional resources!

Episode Notes

Doctrine & Covenants 64:33-34 states, “Be not weary in well-doing, for you are laying the foundation of a great work.” But what happens if you are weary? What happens if you are exhausted, burned out, over-stretched, and just need a break? This week, Anne shares some tips about overcoming (and allowing) those feelings of weariness. 

PEBBLE OF THE WEEK: Choose one of these 3 tools to help with feelings of weariness to try this week.

  1. Reflect on previous successes and strive to keep moving forward in the little things that help you deal with the big things.
  2. Take time to “Just Be Held” Take time for stillness. I have some tools for this. A book that I love and recommend is “The Power of Stillness.” I’ll link it in the show notes. Also, there is a BRAND NEW app from the fabulous group at The Small Seed. Search the App Store or Google Play for “Small Seed Still.” If you are unfamiliar with The Small Seed, you should seek them out on social media or on their website!
  3. Seek professional help if you are having a hard time getting out of a tough spot. I’ve seen a therapist a few times in my life and those visits and the help received have been instrumental in keeping me on the right path in life. If seeing someone in person is tricky for one reason or another, I have heard of a service called Better Help (h-e-l-p). I have not used their service but I have heard it recommended from people that I trust. I will put a link in the show notes.


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Power of Stillness

Games Gift Guide

The Small Seed 

Betterhelp  (This is an affiliate link for BetterHelp Counseling Services. I receive commission when people use this link. Go to for 10% off your first month of convenient, affordable and accessible counseling services. )

Just Be Held Lyric Video



Patriarchal Blessing


Doctrine & Covenants 64:33-34

Revelation 21:4

D&C 88:63


However Long and Hard the Road

A Law of Increasing Returns

More Diligent and Concerned at Home

Trust in the Lord





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